Pork Tenderloin

Pork tenderloins, not to be confused with the pork loin, is the piggy equivelant of beef filet. They are the low fat muscles on the pig that do very little work. They usually come packaged 2 to a cryovac bag.

Since they're so lean, they won't benefit from slow and low cooking. We'll take them to the kettle and reverse sear them. A brine, injection, or marinade can be used to keep them moist and add flavor. Here they are placed on the cool side grill with a foiled onion and potato slices. A foil pouch of apple chips on the coals will add flavor.

Pork tenderloins, like most lean meats, are prone to drying out if overcooked. 140-145 is an idea final temperature for them. When mine hit 140 (figure 30-45 minutes)I took the lid off the kettle, allowed the coals to get blazing hot, and seared the tenderloins over the coals for a minute or two on each side. Here is the result.

After a 10 minute rest, slice into medallions and serve.

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